Thesis Defense: The Brand Factory
12 septembre 2013
On October 24, Fabienne Berger-Remy publicly defended her thesis entitled “The Making of Brands: Between Construction Processes and Translation Phenomena, How Brand Identity is Shaped by Organizations”
She obtained the proposal for the thesis prize as well as the grant proposal for publication.
Research Director: Mrs Géraldine Michel
Professor, IAE Paris, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Rapporteurs: Mrs Delphine Manceau, Professor, ESCP Europe
Mr Eric Vernette, Professor, University Toulouse 1 Capitole
Suffragant: Mr. Pierre-Louis Dubois, Professor, University Montpellier 2
Jean-Noël Kapferer, Professor, HEC Paris
Congratulations again to Fabienne for your original defense, touching and strong emotions!