Comportement socialement responsable

The Socially Responsible Purchase and Disposal (SRPD)

Factor 1 CSR performance (CSRP)

  • I try to buy from companies that help the needy.
  • I try to buy from companies that hire people with disabilities.
  • I avoid buying products or services from companies that discriminate against minorities.
  • When given a chance to switch to a retailer that supports local schools, I take it.
  • I try to buy from companies that make donations to medical research.
  • I make an effort to buy from companies that sponsor food drives.
  • When given a chance to switch to a brand that gives back to the community, I take it.
  • I avoid buying products made using child labor.
  • When given a chance, I switch to brands where a portion of the price is donated to charity.
  • I avoid buying products or services from companies that discriminate against women.
  • When I am shopping, I try to buy from companies that are working to improve conditions for employees in their factories.
  • I try to buy from companies that support victims of natural disasters.
  • I make an effort to buy products and services from companies that pay all of their employees a living wage.

Factor 2 consumer recycling behavior (RECYCLE)

  • I recycle cardboard.
  • I recycle plastic containers.
  • I recycle magazines.
  • I recycle aluminum cans.
  • I recycle steel/tin cans.
  • I recycle paper.

Factor 3 traditional purchase criteria (TRAD)

  • When I am shopping, I buy the lowest priced product regardless of the working conditions in the factory. (R)
  • I buy the highest quality product, regardless of its impact on the environment. (R)
  • When I am shopping, I buy the highest quality product regardless of the working conditions in the factory. (R)
  • I buy the lowest priced product, regardless of its impact on the environment. (R)

Factor 4 environmental impact purchase and use criteria (ENVIRON)

  • I avoid buying from companies that harm endangered plants or animals.
  • Whenever possible, I walk, ride a bike, car pool, or use public transportation to help reduce air pollution.
  • I avoid using products that pollute the air.
  • I avoid buying products that pollute the water.
  • I make an effort to avoid products or services that cause environmental damage.
  • I avoid buying products that are made from endangered animals.
  • I limit my use of energy such as electricity or natural gas to reduce my impact on the environment.

Webb D. J., Mohr L. A., Harris K. E. (2008), A Re-Examination of Socially Responsible Consumption and Its Measurement, Journal of Business Research 61, no 2 (février 2008): 91‑98.

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