A global vision of the brand:

Five lines of research to understand what a brand is.

In order to better understand the brand, the Brands & Chair hosted by the "IAE de Paris" GREGOR laboratory aims to compare different views and mobilize several disciplines including strategy, marketing, human resources, finance and law.


Brand identity co-creation in questions – Richard Gyrd-Jones

After the 28th January 2020 conference on “The Co-creation of brand identity”, organised by the Brands & Values Chair, Professor Richard Gyrd-Jones from Copenhagen Business School honoured us by answering a few questions.


L’effet « pays d’origine » Ces marques qui ne perdent pas le nord

Mondialisation ne signifie pas uniformisation. En quête de sens et de racines, les consommateurs plébiscitent les marques qui rappellent leur origine. Le pays devient marque, comme le montre l’exemple de la Suède.


The Art of Successful Brand Collaborations

The Art of Successful Brand Collaborations: Partnerships with Artists, Designers, Museums, Territories, Sports, Celebrities, Science, Good Cause… and More Brand collaborations are widely considered the art of the perfect match. This book is a guide to understanding the process of brand collaborations and explains the key factors of success to build specific forms of collaborations […]

Dove #choosebeautifulcampaign

Dove: #choosebeautiful

Dove boldly confronts women to their own perception of themselves in the campaign #choosebeautiful and delivers a message of empowerment.