The Brands & Values Chair's workshops present and discuss the research in progress and being published in academic journals. There are 6 workshops per year. Participants are researchers and PhD students. Professionals can participate in the discussions depending on the subjects.

See next Workshops


The research seminars highlight the produced knowledge within a broad and major theme in brand management. The seminar is organized around researchers and experts with a professor from a foreign university as guest of honor. Seminars are open to the members of the Chair as well as to academics and professionals interested in the topic.

See next Conferences


The Brands & Values Chair accompanies PhD Candidates in Management that are enrolled at the Sorbonne's Doctoral School of Management. Thesis Defences are oral exams during which the PhD canditate has to present its researches in front of a specialised jury comprising his Thesis Director. The exam is the final stage of the doctoral course and is open to the public.

See next Thesis Defences