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Celebrities in advertising: looking for congruence or likability?

Psychology & Marketing, 2012

Nathalie Fleck, Michael Korchia et Isabelle Le Roy


The choice of a celebrity endorser for a brand is an important topic in advertising and marketing, as considerable time and effort resources are dedicated to finding the right celebrity to represent a given organization. Celebrities used as endorsers in advertisements are often very popular ones....

The consistency management of luxury brands narratives on the internet: a semiotic study and comparative analysis of leather goods and jewerly sectors

Revue Française du Marketing, 2012

N. Veg-Sala and A. Geerts


The aim of this paper is to shed light on how luxury brands portray their values on their website and explore how the Internet can strengthen or dilute their narratives. The purpose is therefore to examine how to manage the consistency of brand narratives on the Internet, and this, in a comparati...

Le capital immatériel de l’entreprise : un défi pour les comptables et les managers

Editions EMS, 2011

Elisabeth Walliser, Corinne Bessieux-Ollier

L’objectif de cet ouvrage est d’éclairer le non spécialiste sur les multiples facettes du capital immatériel. Il peut également contribuer à approfondir les connaissances des experts sur le sujet. La notion de “capital immatériel” est ici vue comme un terme englobant, regr...

Retail Luxury Strategy: Assembling Charisma through Art and Magic

Journal of Retailing Volume 87, Issue 4, Pages 502–520, 2011

Delphine Dion, Eric Arnould

Luxury retail strategy differs from other retail strategies not merely in distinctive formulations of product, price, distribution, and appeals to customer distinction. Instead, it increasingly stands or falls on the legitimacy of a charismatic creative director. The director offers an aesthetic ...

Capital immatériel : état des lieux et perspectives

Revue française de gestion, 2010

Corinne Bessieux-Ollier et Élisabeth Walliser


Premières lignes : La controverse sur les éléments immatériels dans l’entreprise est présente dans le débat comptable depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années. Les travaux sur ce thème portent généralement sur les aspects comptables, managériaux mais aussi financiers du capital immatériel. Ils permette...