Andria Andriuzzi held managerial positions in the creative industries sector and in higher education. Graduated at CELSA in marketing and communication, as well as the Research Master at the IAE Paris and HEC Paris, he defended his thesis in management sciences at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne under the direction of Géraldine Michel. His work focuses on the interactions between brands and consumers on social media.
Research Fields
- Brand Conversation
- Brand-Consumer Interactions
- Brand Content
- Marketing Creative Industries
Social media conversations: when consumers do not react positively to brands’ carefulness to others, 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII) (2019), A. Andriuzzi and G.Michel
“You talkin’ to them?” The detrimental effects of brand conversation on consumers’ attitude, 9th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), Nice, (2018), A. Andriuzzi and G. Michel
Branding: Impact of the Incentive and the Subject of the Conversation, 8th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), Nice, 2017
Brand conversation: How brands can leverage online interactions with consumers, 19th AMS World Marketing Congress, Paris Academy of Marketing Science, 2016
Conversation with a brand: perception of the terms of expression of brands on social media, 31st congress of the French Marketing Association, Marrakech, 2015
The brand or a spokesperson, who should tweet? When brand conversation leads to humanization, Conference on Twitter for Research, Lyon, 2015
The brand conversation: conditions of emergence and consequences , doctoral conference, 30th annual congress of the AFM, Montpellier, 2014
Brand conversation, a sphere of influence? Impact of quality of conversation on word of mouth, Social Media Club Research Awards, 2013
Book Chapters
The tweeting brand: When conversation leads to humanization, in Twitter For Research Handbook, EMLYON Press, (2015/2016), C. Levallois et al.
Professional Conferences
Customer-brand interactions: how brands can leverage online conversation. “Living the brand”, European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO) Annual Conference, Anvers, 2016.
Social media, new forms of public participation, Culture, public and innovation , House of Human Sciences Paris-Nord, Saint-Denis, 2016
The keys to successful conversational marketing, La Poste Customer Performance Workshops, Paris, 2015
How to reach and recruit students in the digital age?, The French Touch of Education, Paris, 2014
Community management in higher education in 2014: a naturally strategic position, Social Media Club, Paris, 2014
Professor Generated Content: What to do with teacher contributions?, Social Media Club, Paris, 2014
The quality of the conversation, a performance indicator of brands on social media, Digital communication: evaluate your return on investment, Conference Educpro / L’Etudiant, Paris, 2014
How to “digitize” its establishment: mobilize internally, Social networks: trends 2012, Conference Educpro / L’Etudiant, Paris, 2012
All actors of com! Bringing our communities into the dynamics of institutions, Big Bang, I will survive! Bouncing and communicating differently in times of change, 15th ARCES Symposium, Lyon, 2012
Be present on social networks. Why, how, with what results?, Digital Communication, Colloquium C All com / Sup de Com, Nantes, 2011
Publications in Professional Press
Brands Speak Out, “Brands and Dialogues”, The Brand Review, Issue 92, October, 2015
Brand conversation, an opportunity? “Brands and Reputation”, The Brand Review, Issue 88, October, 2014
2017 – The brand conversation in the light of the theory of the face-work: Impact of the strategy of interaction of the marks on the attitude of the netizens University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, under the direction of Géraldine Michel. Jury: Sophie Rieunier, Kristine de Valck, Andreas Kaplan, Jean-Francois Lemoine, Ouidade Sabri
2019 –Third Prize, Grand Prix BVA de la Recherche en Marketing
2018 – Honorary mention, ANDESE Thesis Prize (Association Nationale des Docteurs ès Sciences Économiques et en Sciences de Gestion)
2013 – Best Science Paper Award, Social Media Club Research Awards,
2012 – Special Jury Prize, Marketing Research Awards and Opinions, Syntec