After having held marketing and management positions in consumer goods at Miko and SCA Hygiene Products in France and abroad, Fabienne Berger-Remy followed the doctoral program at the IAE in Paris. Her research focuses on the operational and managerial practices of brand management and the concept of brand identity. She teaches management and brand communication in Master programmes, and is also involved in continuing education with executives in activity.
Research Fields
- Brand Identity
- Brand Management
How the brand gives meaning to the employee: towards a broader vision of brand equity, Research and Application in Marketing, 30, 3, 2015 (F. Berger-Rémy and G. Michel)
Does it pay to sustain a brand? A meta-analysis of the relationship between intellectual capital and the financial performance of the firm , EURAM 16th Annual Conference, 2016, Paris France, 1, 2 and 3 June (Albertini E., Berger-Rémy, F.)
The brand manager system 20 years after Low and Fullerton’s critical-historical evaluation, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2016, AMS-WMC, Paris, 20-23 July (Aimé I., Berger-Remy F. and Laporte ME.)
The brand manager’s challenges in the digital era, 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), 2016, Nice, 11-12 July 2016 (Aimé I., Berger-Remy F. and Laporte ME .)
The brand champion, a double-edged sword for brand building, European Marketing Academy Conference, 2015, Louvain Beligique, 26-29 May (Berger-Rémy F., Michel, G.)
In the footsteps of the champion brand, this stranger, 30th Congress of the AFM, 15-16 May 2014, Montpellier (Fabienne Berger-Rémy and Géraldine Michel).
How the brand creates value through the link with the employees, 29th Congress of the AFM, 16-17 May 2013, La Rochelle (Fabienne Berger-Rémy and Géraldine Michel).
Books Chapters
Jamie Uys – a fetish object of the commercial world, in G. Michel and S. Borraz (coord.), When the Artists seize the Brands, 2015, Paris, Dunod, (Laporte ME. Berger-Remy F)
Cole Porter – accumulation of brands, the American way of life, in G. Michel and S. Borraz (coord.), When the Artists seize the Brands, 2015, Paris, Dunod (Laporte ME and Berger-Remy F.)
The brand, a strategic lever of the company . in G. Michel (coord.), transversal management of the brand: for a decompartmentalization of the brand in companies, 2013, Paris: Dunod, (Berger-Remy, F. and Laporte, M.-E.)
Brand identity . in G. Michel (coord.), transversal management of the brand: for a decompartmentalization of the brand in companies, 2013, Paris: Dunod, (Berger-Remy, F.)
2014 – The Brand Factory – Between design process and translation phenomenon, how brand identity is shaped by organizations?