Fanny Magnoni graduated at the IAE of Aix-en-Provence. She is an Associate Professor in Marketing, Co-Director of the Master of Science in International Business at the Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management (IAE Aix-en-Provence) and member of the Center of Studies and Research in Management of Aix-Marseille University (CERGAM).
Her research focuses mainly on product and brand management and more specifically on range extension strategies, relations between consumers and brands, luxury brands, digital brand and social networks strategies, connected objects and their impact on well-being.
Her works have been published in academic journals in marketing (Research and Applications in Marketing, Marketing Decisions, Journal of Brand Management, French Marketing Journal) and have been presented in international conferences organized by the American Marketing Association, the Academy of Marketing Science, the European Marketing Academy and the French Marketing Association. In the context of the latter, she also intervenes in the workshops of deepening and on the various media of communication (blog, …) on subjects in connection with the management of the products and the marks.
Research Fields
- Relational Approach of the Brand
- Brand and Range Expansion Strategies
- Digital Branding Strategies
- Social Networks and Connected objects
- Welfare
- Quantitative Methods
Integrity, benefits and identification: Three levers to boost the commitment to the brand on social networks, Marketing Decisions, 2016, 84 October-December, 95-113 (Helme-Guizon A. and Magnoni F .)
The effects of vertical range extension down on brand trust and brand attachment, Marketing Research and Applications, 2016, 31, 1, 1-25 (Magnoni F.)
Brands are my friends on Facebook: towards a typology of fans based on the relationship with the brand and the feeling of belonging, Revue Française du Marketing, 2013, 3/5, 243, 23-34 (Helme-Guizon A. and Magnoni F.)
The impact of step-down line on consumer-brand relationships: A risky strategy for luxury brands, Journal of Brand Management, 2012, 19, 7, 595-608 (Magnoni F. and Roux E. )
Connected devices and personal coaching EMAC 2017 Conference, 2017, May 23-26, Groningen, The Netherlands (Giannelloni JL., Helme-Guizon A. and Magnoni F, EMAC 2017 Conference, 2017, May 23-26) .)
The impact of feedback messages on well-being and behavioral intentions. A self-determination perspective, 33rd International Conference of the French Marketing Association, Tours, 2017, 17-19 May (Magnoni F., Helme-Guizon A. and Giannelloni J-L.)
On Facebook, when commitment does not always rhyme with fidelity: the moderating role of objective familiarity, perceived benefits and connections to the brand, 15th day of research on digital marketing, 2016, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne / ESSCA School of Management, Paris, 9th September (Magnoni F., Helme-Guizon A. and Gérard J.)
What are the combinations of patterns of engagement leading to high brand loyalty intentions in social media? The 2016 Academy of Marketing Science – World Marketing Congress, IESEG Management School’s Paris Campus, 2016, July 20-July 22 (Helme-Guizon A. and Magnoni F.)
The effects of framing the message on behavioral intentions in personal coaching: The central role of emotions, 32nd International Conference of the French Marketing Association, 2016, Lyon, 18-20 May (Giannelloni JL., Helme-Guizon A. and Magnoni F.)
Join us on Facebook! When fan-brand quality relationship rhymes with loyalty intent, 4th Rendezvous of Research, Communication & amp; Media, IREP / AFM, 2014, University Panthéon-Assas, Paris, November 13 (Helme-Guizon A. and Magnoni F.)
Brand nostalgia and consumers’ relationships to luxury brands: A Continuous and Moderated Mediation Approach, 8th International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Methods, Paris, 2014, May 26-28 (Kessous A., Magnoni F. and Valette-Florence P.)
Join us on Facebook! When fan-brand quality relationship rhymes with intention of loyalty, 30th International Conference of the French Marketing Association, Montpellier, 2014, 14-15 May (Helme-Guizon A. and Magnoni F.)
Back to the future: The 2014 Monaco Symposium on Luxury, 2014, Monaco, April 10-11 (Kessous A., Magnoni F. and Valette-Florence) P.)
Are you really sure to stretch luxury brands down the market?, The 2014 Monaco Symposium on Luxury, 2014, Monaco, 10-11 April (Magnoni F., Valette-Florence P. and Roux E.)
Feedback effects of step-down line extensions: AMA 2014 Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA, 21-23 February (Magnoni F. and Valette-Florence P.)
Brands are my friends on Facebook: towards a typology of fans based on the relationship with the brand, Day of research on digital consumption, 2012, School of Management Leonardo da Vinci (EMLV), Defense , Paris, November 29 (Helme-Guizon A. and Magnoni F.)
The impact of brand familiarity, branding and distribution strategy on luxury brand dilution, Proceedings of The 2011 World Marketing Congress – Academy of Marketing Science, 2011, Reims Management School, Reims, July 19-23 (Magnoni F and Roux E.)
The impact of step-down line on consumer-brand relationships: A risky strategy for luxury brands, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium “Luxury and Counterfeiting: Challenges, Challenges and Prospects”, 2011, Wesford University Geneva, Geneva, 9-10 June (Magnoni F., Roux E. and Valette-Florence P.)
Stretching a luxury brand down: An experimental study of core brand dilution effects, Proceedings of The 2011 Thought Leaders in Brand Management: A Meeting of the Minds, 2011, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, 12-14 March (Magnoni F. and Roux E.)
When luxury brands extend their range down: What dilution effects?, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the French Marketing Association, University of Maine, 2010, Le Mans, 6- May 7 (- Magnoni F. and Roux E.)
The impact of the vertical extension of range down on the attachment to the brand : The role of social status and brand communities, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the French Marketing Association , 2009, ESCP-EAP London, May 14-15 (Magnoni F. and Roux E.)
Stretching The Brand Down: Does It Affect Consumer-Brand Relationship?, Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, 2008, Birmingham Business School, April 15-16 (Magnoni F. and Roux E.)
The downward vertical extension: what are the implications for the image and the brand-consumer relationship? An Exploratory Approach, Proceedings of the 7th International Marketing Trends Congress, 2008, Università Ca’Foscari, Venice, January 17-19 (Magnoni F. and Roux E.)
The effect of vertical range extensions on the brand. A critical analysis of research, Proceedings of the 5th Normandy Research Days on Consumption, Societies and Consumption, 2006, IAE of Caen, March 23 and 24 (Magnoni F. and Roux E.)
Attachment, loss of confidence, detachment: towards a clarification of the concepts, Proceedings of the 4th Normandy Research Days on Consumption, Societies and Consumption, 2005, IAE of Rouen, March 24th and 25th (Magnoni F. and Roux E.)
Vertical Range Extension Down: Impact on Brand Attitude and the Brand-Consumer Relationship, 2010, European University Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany (Magnoni F.)
Book chapters
Brand nostalgia and consumers’ relationships to luxury brands: A Continuous and Moderated Mediation Approach, in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & amp; Statistics, 2014, vol. 173, The Multiple facets of partial least squares and related methods, coordinated by H. Abdi et al. (eds), ch. 21, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, p.285-293 (Kessous A., Magnoni F. and Valette-Florence P.)
The Product in Marketing (with Roehrich G.), coordinated by Ferrandi J.-M. and Lichtle M.-C., 2014, ch.4, Dunod, p.116-143 (Magnoni F .)