Jean-Pierre Helfer

Profesor, IAE Paris, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Professor at the IAE Paris, Jean-Pierre Helfer is a specialist in Marketing and Strategy. He published his work in numerous journals such as Research and Applications in Marketing, French Review of Marketing, Financial Analysis, French Review of Management.

Research Fields

  • Marketing
  • Strategy


Several publications in the following journals:

  • French Marketing Review
  • French Accounting Review
  • Financial Analysis
  • French Management Review
  • Research and Applications in Marketing


The new General Chart of Accounts, 1980 MASSON

Marketing, 1981 VUIBERT, 11th edition published in September 2009

Cost Accounting, 1982 VUIBERT

Business Features, 1985 VUIBERT; 2nd edition published in 1999

Trade Policy, 1985 VUIBERT

General Ledger, 1987 VUIBERT

The business and its economic environment, 1989 VUIBERT

The encyclopedia of management, 1992

Strategic Management, 1994 VUIBERT

The basics of marketing, 1998 VUIBERT

Management, strategy and organization, 2010 VUIBERT, 8th edition


  • Honorary Doctorate of the University of Minsk (Economics) and the University of
  • Beijing (Economy and International Trade)
  • Knight of the French Legion of Honor