She is particularly interested in brand management and consumer relations. Laure Ambroise published articles in national and international journals such as Journal of Brand Management, Research and Applications in Marketing, Marketing Decisions. She also participated in several projects and scientific productions around the growth of SMEs by apprehending the management of the customer relationship as a lever for growth.
Research Fields
- Brand and Consumer Relationship
- Brand Management
- Customer Relationship Management
Performance implications of exploration and exploitation in SMEs: The mediating role of interaction orientation, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, (2020 à paraître) L. Ambroise, C. Bérard et I. Prim-Allaz
Service and Environmental Performance, Journal of Service Managament, forthcoming, 2017 (Ambroise L., Prim-Allaz I., Teyssier C & Peillon S)
Proposing a relational model of intention to give blood: the effects of psychological empowerment and commitment, Journal of Medical Management and Economics, 2015, Vol. 33, No. 1, p.23-44 (L. Ambroise, C. Bérard, I. Prim-Allaz, M. Seville, O. Garreau)
Customer Relationship Management and SME Performance, Marketing Decision, 77, 2015, 13-30 (L. Ambroise and I. Prim-Allaz)
The business logic of Intermediate Size Enterprises (ETI): what specificities? , French Review of Management, 7, 244, 111-132, 2015 (N. Claveau, M. Seville, I. Prim-Allaz, L. Ambroise)
From endorsement to celebrity co-branding: personality transfer, Journal of Brand Management, 21, 273-285, 2014, (L. Ambroise, N. Albert, G. Pantin-Sohier and P. Valette- Florence)
Management of bank-SME relations: the contributions of the social contract theory, International Review of SMEs, 26 (2), 37-58, 2013, (L. Ambroise, I. Maque and I. Prim-Allaz)
Metaphor of brand personality and inter-product stability of a specific barometer, Research and Application in Marketing, 5 (2), 3-29, 2010, (L. Ambroise and P. Valette -Florence)
The hidden motivations of brand name consumers: what about something other than value for money?, French Marketing Journal, 227 (2/5), 45-62, 2010, (L. Ambroise, JM Brignier and C. Matthews-Lefebvre)
The personality of the brands: a real contribution to their management?, French Review of Marketing, 207 (2/5), 25-41, 2006, (L. Ambroise)
How Do CEOs of Small and Medium Enterprises Enhance Firm Performance and The Role of Marketing, Winter AMA Conference, Orlando, USA, 17-19 February 2017 (Ambroise L. and Swamanithan V.)
The Impact of Exploration and Exploitation Strategies on SME Performance: The Mediating Role of Interactional Direction, 13th CIFEPME, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, October 26-28, 2016 (Ambroise L., Berard C., Prim-Allaz I.)
Servitization Strategy and Financial Performance, 14th International Research Conference in Service Management, The Londe des Maures, 31 May – 3 June 2016 (Ambroise L., Peillon S., Prim-Allaz I., Teyssier M.)
Financial performance of servitized manufacturing firms: an alignment issue, 3rd B2B Marketing Colloquium – Academy of Marketing, University Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne – Bournemouth University, June 23-24, 2016 (Ambroise, L., Peillon, S ., Prim-Allaz, I. and Teyssier, C.)
How can glocal brands reconcile cultural distance and international competitive advantage? The case of three brands in the agri-food sector, 15th International Marketing Trends Conference, Venize, Italy, 21-23 January 2016 (Zilio A. and Ambroise L.)
Servitization Strategies and Financial Performance, 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference, St-Etienne, France, May 2015 (Ambroise L., Peillon S., Prim-Allaz I. & Teyssier C.)
An Exploratory Approach to Links Between Customer Relationship Management and Servitization Processes in Industrial Companies, AMA ServSig – International Service Research Conference, Thessalonik, Greece, 13-15 June 2014, (L. Ambroise, I. Prim- Allaz and C. Pellegrin)
Firm’s growth profiles and CEO’s Attitudes: the moderating role of growth intentions on firm growth, RENT Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vilnius, November 2013, (L. Ambroise, N. Claveau, M. Perez , I. Prim-Allaz, M. Seville and C. Teyssier)
26th RENT Conference – European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Lyon, 22-23 November 2012, (L. Ambroise and I. Prim-Allaz)
Better understand the motivations of blood donors to increase their loyalty: a reading through the Ajzen model, 26th International Congress of the French Marketing Association, Poster, Le Mans, 6-7 May 2010, CD-ROM, (L. Ambroise, I. Prim-Allaz and M. Seville)
Does the status of the consumer play a role in the perception of the brand’s personality?, 8th International Marketing Trends Congress, 21-23 January 2009, CD-Rom, (V. De Barnier , R. Valette-Florence and L. Ambroise)
What role for strategic management and operational management of customer relations in hyper-growth SMEs?, 25th International Congress of the French Marketing Association, Proceedings of a conference, London, 14-15 May 2009 , CD-Rom, (L. Ambroise and I. Prim-Allaz)
Ian Macneil and the Social Contract Theory: A Proposal for a Relationship Analysis Tool for All Management Areas, 18th International Conference on Strategic Management AIMS, Grenoble, 3-5 June 2009 , (L. Ambroise, I. Maque and I. Prim-Allaz)
9th Euram Conference, 11th-14th May 2009, Liverpool, UK Hedonic and symbolic consumption experiments: drawing on the perceived value in concept, (C. Mathews-Lefebvre, L. Ambroise and JM Brignier)
The measurement of media personality as an affinity tool, 7th International Marketing Trends Congress, 17-19 January 2008, CD-Rom, (R. Valette-Florence, V. De Barnier and L. Ambroise)
Brand names and private labels of retailers: perceived value and consequences on consumer commitment and commitment, 10th Etienne Thil Symposium, Conference proceedings, La Rochelle, October 3-5, 2007, CD-ROM, (C. Mathews-Lefebvre, L. Ambroise and P. Valette-Florence)
Retailer brands versus manufacturer brands: the influence of their perceived value on branding and commitment, 14th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades, Saarbrücken, Germany, 27-29 June 2007, CD-Rom, ( C. Mathews-Lefebvre, L. Ambroise, N. Albert and P. Valette-Florence)
From the personality of celebrities to the personality of brands: New approach to the selection of ambassadors, 23rd International Congress of the French Marketing Association, Colloquium Proceedings, Nancy, 19-20 May 2007.CD-Rom , (L. Ambroise, G. Pantin-Sohier and P. Valette-Florence)
Measurement of brand central core and brand personality – Comparison of first results on predictive validity towards brand engagement and buying intention, Consumer Personality & amp; Research Conference, Conference proceedings, Dubrovnik, 20-24 September 2005, CD Rom, (L. Ambroise, G. Michel and P. Valette-Florence)
Measuring Core Kernel and Brand Personality – Comparing Early Predictive Values for Brand Attachment and Purchase Intent, 21st International Congress the French Marketing Association, Conference proceedings, Nancy, 19-20 May 2005, CD-ROM, (L. Ambroise, G. Michel and P. Valette-Florence)
Does the personality of the brands explain the choice of brands? A test of the predictive validity of the personality barometer, 20th International Congress of the French Marketing Association, Proceedings of a conference, St Malo, 6-7 May 2004, CD-Rom, (L. Ambroise, JM Ferrandi , D. Merunka and P. Valette-Florence)
First application of the barometer of personality measurement applied to two French brands, 6th Colloquium Etienne Thil, Proceedings of a conference, La Rochelle, 25-26 September 2003, CD-Rom, (L. Ambroise, Valette-Florence, JM Ferrandi and D. Merunka)
The construction of a barometer of brand personality adapted to the French context: first results, the 19th International Congress of the French Marketing Association, Proceedings of a conference, Tunis, 5-6 May 2003, CD-ROM, (L. Ambroise, P. Valette-Florence, JM Ferrandi and D. Merunka)
Book Chapters
Marketing Innovation, in C. Gay and B. Szostak, Innovation Management, 2017, Dunod (L. Ambroise)
SMEs facing the Internet: How to manage reputational risks?, in B. Szostak, C. Teyssier and M. Seville, Risk Management – Issues and Challenges for Today’s SMEs and tomorrow, forthcoming, 2017, Ed. EMS, Prospective Management Collection, (L. Ambroise and I. Prim-Allaz)
Reputational risk: anticipating and managing a reputational failure, in C. Bérard and C. Teyssier, Risk management in SMEs – Lever for development and partnership value creation, 2017, ISTE Editions (L. Ambroise and I. Prim-Allaz)
Management of customer relations and SME performance, in Gilles Lecointre, The Big Book of the SME Economy, 2014, Editions Lextenso, Paris (L. Ambroise, I. Prim-Allaz)
Brand Management, in Jean-Marc Ferrandi and Marie-Christine Lichtlé, Marketing, 2014, Dunod Editions, Paris, 144-173, (L. Ambroise) (),
Ian MacNeil and the Social Contract Theory: Proposing a Relational Value Analysis Tool for All Management Areas, in Carinne Dominguez-Pery, Values and Management Tools, 2011 , Hermès-Lavoisier Editions, Paris, 189-236, (L. Ambroise, I. Maque and I. Prim-Allaz)
Growth levels with SME development potential, in Gilles Lecointre, The Big Book of the SME Economy, 2011, Editions Lextenso, Paris, 21-46, (L. Ambroise, M. Perez, I. Prim-Allaz, F. Tannery and C. Teyssier)