Ouidade Sabri

Professor, IAE Paris, University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Her research focuses on brand communication, sales promotion and consumer behavior. Her work has been published in national and international journals and has won numerous awards by the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) and FNEGE. In 2007, Ouidade Sabri received the prize for the best thesis awarded by the AFM (French Marketing Association) jointly with FNEGE. Today, she runs the Bachelor Degree and is also responsible for the Marketing discipline at the MAE (Master of Business Administration) at the IAE Paris.

Research Fields

  • Communication
  • International Marketing
  • Consumer’s Behavior


When is transparent packaging beneficial? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (2020). O. Sabri, H.V. Doan, Malek F. & H. Bachouche

Self-mockery in advertising: when not taking yourself seriously makes consumers take you seriouslyJournal of Marketing Trends (TBC 2020). N. El Hana & O. Sabri

Does viral communication context increase the harmfulness of controversial taboo advertising?, Journal of Business Ethics, 2017, 141, 2, 235-247 (Sabri O.)

The Detrimental Effect of Cause-Related Marketing Parodies, Journal of Business Ethics, 2017, (Sabri O)

Home Sweet Messy Home: Managing Domestic Symbolic Pollution, Journal of Consumer Research, 2014, Vol. 62 (Dion D., Sabri O. and Guillard V)

When do advertising parodies hurt? The power of humor and credibility in viral spoof advertisements., Journal of Advertising Research, 2014, Vol. 54, No. 2, 233-247 (Sabri O and Michel G.)

Taboo advertising: Can the humor be helped to attract attention, enhance recall and improve the attitude towards the advertisement?, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 2012, 20, 4, 407-427 (Sabri, O.)

Which target for provocative taboo ads ?, Marketing Decisions, 66, April-June (Sabri, O.)

Preliminary investigation of the communication effects of ‘taboo’ themes in advertising, European Journal of Marketing, 2012, 46, 1/2, 215-236 (Sabri, O.)

Consumer Perception of taboo in ads, Journal of Business Research, special issue “Executional elements in advertising”, 2011, 65, 6, 869-873 (Sabri O. and Obermiller C.)

Competitive advertising within store flyers: A win-win strategy ?, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2010, 17, 6, 478-486 (O. Sabri, B. Parguel and A. Mimouni).

Should we design the flyer based on customer loyalty to the brand?, Marketing Decisions, 2010, 59, 49-59 (O. Sabri, Parguel B., A. Mimouni).

The taboo: a little-explored concept in marketing , Research and Applications in Marketing, 2010, 25, 1, 59-86 (O. Sabri, B. Pras and D. Manceau).

Scope and Boundaries of the Virtual Lot: An Exploratory Study, Marketing Decisions, 2008, May-June, 49-57 (O. Sabri, B. Parguel and P. De Pechpeyrou)

Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2007, 16, 5, 348-357 (O. Sabri, B. Parguel, P. De Pechpeyrou and P. Desmet).


When objects are impure: Tabouization of untidiness, Interpretative Consumer Research, Odense Denmark, May 5-7, 2011, (Sabri O., Dion D., Guillard V.)

Help my objects invade me: How can objects in chaos invade individuals?, Normandy Days of Consumption, Rouen France, March 17 and 18, 2011, (Guillard V., Dion D ., Sabri O.)

Does the job of helping consumers become more important?, Academy of Marketing Science, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2009, (Sabri O.)

The impact of the taboo ads on attention and memory, 14th Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2009, (Sabri O.)

Taboos in advertising: conceptualization, scale development and analysis of its communication effects, American Marketing Association (AMA), Summer Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Volume 18, Jakki J. Mohr and Robert J, Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing Fisher editors, Washington, USA, 2009, (Sabri-Zaaraoui O.)

Perceived taboo degree of an ad: scale development and validation, LaLonde Conference, Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior, La Londe les Maures, France, 2007, (Sabri-Zaaraoui O.)

The taboo in advertising communication: conceptualization, measurement and application, XXIII AFM congress, Aix-les-Bains, France, 2007, (Sabri-Zaaraoui O.)

Influence of the characteristics of the showcase on attitudinal and behavioral reactions of the consumer, XXIIIth Congress of the AFM, Aix-les-Bains, France, 2007, (Lilia S. and Sabri-Zaaraoui O.)

Perceptions and evaluations of the lot by the consumer, IX conference Etienne Thil, La Rochelle, France, 2006, (Parguel B., Sabri-Zaaraoui O., Desmet P., De Pechpeyrou P.)

Towards a better understanding of the receiver’s reactions to “taboo” commercials, an exploratory study conducted in two different cultural contexts , AFM XXII Congress, Nantes, France, 2006, (Sabri-Zaaraoui O.)

ANZMAC, Brisbane, Australia, 2006, (Sabri-Zaaraoui O., Desmet P., De Pechpeyrou P., Parguel B.)

Towards a better understanding of the receiver’s reactions to “taboo” advertisements of a sexual nature in Mediterranean Muslim societies , 1st international conference on “Management in the Mediterranean area”, Beirut, Lebanon, 2006 , (Sabri-Zaaraoui O.)


Marketing, Management, Vuibert, 15ème édition (2020) J.-P. Helfer, J. Orsoni & O. Sabri

Marketing, Management, Vuibert, 14th edition, 2017, (Helfer J-P, Orsoni J., and Sabri O.)
Maxi Marketing Sheets, Dunod Collection, 2nd Edition, 2014 (E. Delacroix, A. Debenedetti and O. Sabri)


2009 – Best Paper Award in Communication and Promotion at the Academy of Marketing Science Conference
2009 – Second Best Paper Award at the 14th Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference
2008 – AFM-FNEGE Dissertation Prize