Sophie Rieunier

Professor, IAE Gustave Eiffel, University Paris Est Marne la Vallée

Her research focuses on two areas of research: sensory marketing and social cause marketing (effectiveness of prevention campaigns and donation behavior). Passionate about the associative world, she is an active member of the French Marketing Association, the French Association of Fundraisers and the Scientific Council of the “Research and Solidarity” Association. Sophie Rieunier carries out her research in close partnership with the associative world (League against cancer, Aids, AFM – Telethon). Her current research focuses on the impact of the associative brand on giving, on the gift behavior of different generations and on the brakes and motivations behind the legacy.

Research Fields

  • Sensory Marketing
  • Communication and Non-profit Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior and Market Research


When Family Dining Protects Against Sweet Food Consumption… And When It Does Not, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Laporte M.-E., Rieunier S. & Michel G. (to be published 2020)

Better understanding of eating behaviors through the concept of nutritional risk perception, Research and Applications in Marketing, 2015, 30, 1 (Laporte M-E, Michel G., Rieunier S.)

Plain packaging and public health: the case of tobacco, Journal of Business Research, 2013, 66, 1, 133-136, (Gallopel-Morvan K., Gabriel P., The Gall-Ely M. , Rieunier S. and Urien B.)

The marketing of legacy collection: the legitimacy to propose immortality to relational management, Decisions Marketing, 2013, num 69, January – March, 61 – 75. (Rieunier S. and Michel G.)

The Impact of Nonprofit Brand Image and Typicality on Charitable Giving, Journal of Business Research, 2013, Vol 65, 5, 701 – 707, (Michel G. and Rieunier S.)

The Use of Visual Warnings in Social Marketing. The Case of Tobacco, Journal of Business Research, 2011. Gallopel K., Gabriel P., The Gall M., Rieunier S. and Urien B, 64, 1, 7 – 11.

Health warnings and the fight against smoking: is a picture better than words? , Marketing Decisions, 2011, Gallopel K., Le Gall M. and Rieunier S., 62, April – June.

The effect of hyperchoice on the consumer and the moderating effect of brands: an application in the jewelry market, Research and Applications in Marketing, vol. 22, No. 4, 2007. Larceneux F., Rieunier S. and Fady A.

The Efficiency of Tobacco Warnings: A Qualitative Study, Journal of Marketing, February, No. 206, pp. 7-28, 2006. Gallopel K., Rieunier S., Debenedetti S., Dion D. and Le Gall M.

Sensory marketing in Nature and Discoveries: how to develop sensory aspects for the consumer over 10 years, Interview of Françoise Vernet, marketing director for Nature and Discoveries, Marketing Decisions, n ° 33, pp. 77-80, 2004. Rieunier S.

Retail Store Sensory Marketing, Marketin Research and Applications, vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 46-65, 2002. Daucé B. and Rieunier S.

Consumption trends and retailers’ differentiation strategies , Marketing Decisions, no. 27, pp. 19-30, 2002. Rieunier S. and Volle P.

The influence of background music on consumer behavior, Studies and research on distribution, Economica, coordinated by Pierre Volle, book review, pp. 185-204, 2000. Rieunier S.

The influence of background music on consumer behavior: state of the art, methodological challenges and directions for future research, Research and Applications in Marketing, vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 57-77, 1998. Rieunier S.

Toward lawsuits of point of sale design?, Decisions Marketing, January-April, No. 13, pp. 89-99, 1998. Huvé-Nabec L., Hyvernat C. and Rieunier S.


How sharing meals influences nutritional risk taking: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, AMS-WMC, 2016, Paris, 20-23 July (Laporte M.-E., Michel G. and Rieunier S. )

Brakes and motivations for generosity in the cultural field, Proceedings of the Colloquium “Rediscover generosity”, University Paris 5, Krebs A., Rieunier S. and Urien B. (2012).

Tobacco by Combining Packaging and Warnings, Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the AFM (French Marketing Association), Brest, Gallopel K., Le Gall M., Rieunier S. and Urien B. (2012).

Generations and Recommendations for Cultural Institutions, Proceedings of the 11th AIMAC Congress – International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, Antwerp, Krebs A., Rieunier S and Urien B. (2011).

Packaging at the service of public health. Application to the fight against tobacco, Proceedings of the 1st International Health Marketing Day, IAE Lille, November 25, Gallopel K., Gabriel P., Gall M., Rieunier S. and Urien B. (2010) ).

The Use of Visual Warnings in Social Marketing. The Case of Tobacco, The Londe Conference in Communications Marketing and Consumer Behavior, The Londe The Moors, Gallopel K., Gabriel P., The Gall M., Rieunier S. and Urien B. (2009).

Non Profit Brands: The Importance of Brand Image in Charitable Giving, Academy of Marketing Annual Science Conference, Baltimore, Michel G. and Rieunier S .. (2009).

Should I Give to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders? The Influence of Nonprofit Brand Image on Donation Behavior, 38th Congress of EMAC (European Marketing Academy), Nantes, 5 pages, Rieunier S. and Michel G. (2009).

Nonprofit brands: development of a scale and its influence on giving behavior, Proceedings of the 24 th Congress of the AFM (French Marketing Association), Paris, 30 pages. Michel G. and Rieunier S. (2008)

The effect of hyperchoice on the consumer and the moderating effect of brands: an application in the jewelry market, Proceedings of the 2nd research days in watchmaking marketing, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 24 pages, 2007. Rieunier S. and Larceneux F.

How to cope with the maturity of the market? Have a younger target and / or change fundraising methods ?, Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the AFM (French Marketing Association), Nancy, 2005. Rieunier S., Boulbry G. and Chédotal C.

Tobacco warnings’ efficiency: a qualitative qualitative study, Proceedings of the 20th AFM (French Marketing Association) Congress, St Malo, 2004. Gallopel K., Rieunier S., Debenedetti S., Dion D. and Le Gall M.

Retail store sensory marketing: from research results to managers’ practices, Proceedings of the 3rd Etienne Thil conference “Rencontres Université – Commerce, September 28 – 29, La Rochelle, 20 pages, 2000. Rieunier S. and Daucé.

The influence of background music on consumer behavior: the role of tempo, the fame and the absence of music, Proceedings of the 16th AFM (French Marketing Association) Conference, Montreal, May 18-20, pp . 757-769, 2000. Rieunier S.

The influence of background music on consumer behavior: state of the art, methodological challenges and directions for future research, Proceedings of the 13th congress of the AFM (French Marketing Association), Toulouse, May 29-30, pp. 281-313, 1997, Rieunier S.


Sensory marketing at the point of sale: creating and managing the atmosphere of commercial places, Dunod, 4th edition, 293 pages, 2013, (Rieunier, S. coordinator).
Marketing and communication of associations, Dunod, coordinated by, 2nd edition, 250 pages, 2013, Karine Gallopel (coordinator), Pierre Birambeau, Fabrice Larceneux and Rieunier S.
Brand expressions, brand management, Dunod, coordinated by Géraldine Michel, 2013, Fleck N., Michel G. and Rieunier S.
The brakes and motivations to donate in the cultural field, Harmattan, 2013, Krebs A., Rieunier S. and Urien. B

Why integrate a marketing approach in associations?, Marketing and communication of associations, Dunod, coordinated by Karine Gallopel, 2013, 1st edition, pp. 1-12, Birambeau P. and Rieunier S.

Carry out a self-diagnosis of its marketing, marketing and communication of associations , Dunod, coordinated by Karine Gallopel, 2013, 1st edition, pp. 213 – 220, Gallopel K. and Rieunier S.

How to raise funds from individuals ?, Marketing and communication of associations, Dunod, coordinated by Karine Gallopel, 2013, 1st edition, pp. 89 – 132, Rieunier S.

Why invest in sensory marketing at the point of sale?, Sensory marketing of the point of sale, Dunod, coordinated by Sophie Rieunier, 2013, 3rd edition, pp. 5-17, Rieunier S.

How to manage the sound environment?, Point of sale marketing, Dunod, coordinated by Sophie Rieunier, 3rd edition, pp. 47-84, 2013, Gallopel K. and Rieunier S.

Seven steps to define and set up an effective atmosphere, Sensory marketing of the point of sale, Dunod, coordinated by Sophie Rieunier, 3rd edition, 2013, pp. 187-213, Rieunier S.

Aging experience and legacy behavior in cultural institutions, The aging consumer, De Boeck, coordinated by Denis Guiot and Bertrand Urien, 2012, Krebs A., Rieunier S. and Urien. B

Leguer is continuing to live, Donation and Charity De Boeck, coordinated by Marine Le Gall, Michèle Bergadaà and Bertrand Urien, 177 – 195, 2011, Rieunier S and Urien B.

Under 50: a generous target, The generosity of the French, Lextenso Editions – Gualino, Coordinated by Cécile Bazin and Jacques Malet, 41 – 51, 2009, Rieunier S.


2012 – Scientific Excellence Award (Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
2007 – Award for the best research in marketing: “The effect of hyperchoice on the consumer and the moderating effect of brands: an application in the jewelry market”, Proceedings of the 2nd research days in watch marketing, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Rieunier S. and Larceneux F.
2000 – The Paul Nicolas Prize for the best thesis by “Académie des Sciences Commerciales”.
2000 – Best Student Communication Award “The influence of the music on consumer behavior: the role of the tempo, the fame and the absence of music”, Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the AFM (Montreal, 18 -May 20, pp. 757-769, Rieunier S.