Professeur de marketing à l’Université de Valence (Espagne). Elle s’intéresse surtout et enseigne spécialement le marketing business-to-business, le marketing des services, le Capital-marque, le comportement des consommateurs et la distribution. Elle a enseigné ces thèmes dans les cours de premier et de troisième cycle. Elle a publié des articles dans plusieurs revues internationales telles que la revue The Annals of Tourism Research, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, The Service Industries Journal, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Industrial Management & Data Systems Journal, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management.
Axes de Recherche
- La marque et le marketing
- La distribution
- Le marketing des services
Influence of environmental practices on brand equity, satisfaction and word of mouth, Journal of Brand Management, 26(6), (2019), Moliner-Velázquez B., M. Fuentes-Blasco, D. Servera-Francés and I. Gil-Saura
Effects of value and innovation on brand equity in retailing, Journal of Brand Management, 26, (2019), Moliner-Velázquez B., Fuentes-Blasco M. & Gil-Saura I.
Understanding brand equity in hotel firms. What is the role of brand loyalty and satisfaction?, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(9), (2019), Seric M. & Gil-Saura I.
Social media communications and festival brand equity: Millennials vs Centennials, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 40, (2019), Llopis-Amoros M.-P., Gil-Saura I., Ruiz-Molina E.M. & Fuentes-Blasco M.
From retail innovation and image to loyalty: moderating effects of product type, Service Business, n°13, (2019), Simona Moise M., Gil-Saura I., Seric M. & Ruiz Molina M.E.
A review of value drivers in service settings, Journal of Services Marketing, n°32, (2018), M.E. Ruiz-Molina, M. Gallarza and I. Gil-Saura
The Role of Marketing Communications in Generating Brand Equity for an Event, Event Management, n°22, (2018), M.P. Llopis-Amorós, I. Gil-Saura and M.E. Molina
Exploring relationships between customer-based brand equity and its drivers and consequences in the hotel context, an impact-asymmetry assessment, Current Issues in Tourism, n°21, (2018), M. Šerić, J. Mikulić and I. Gil-Saura
Role of marketing and technological innovation on store equity, satisfaction and word-of-mouth in retailing, Journal of product & brand management, n°26, (2018), M. Fuentes-Blasco, B. Moliner-Velázquez, D. Servera-Francés and I. Gil-Saura
Customer segmentation based on store equity: What explains customer store preference?, Journal of Brand Management, 24, 6 (2017), Gil Saura, I., Berenguer-Contrí, G., Ruiz Molina, M.E., Michel, G.
A multidimensional service-value scale based on Holbrook’s typology of customer value: bridging the gap between the concept and its measurement, Journal of Service Management, n°28, (2017), M.G. Gallarza, F. Arteaga, G. Del Chiappa, I. Gil-Saura and M.B. Holbrook
Customer-based brand equity building: Empirical evidence from Croatian upscale hotels, Journal of Vacation Marketing, n°23, (2017), M. Šerić, I. Gil-Saura and J. Mikulić
The causal relationship between store equity and loyalty: Testing two alternative models in retailing, Journal of Brand Management, n°24, I. Gil-Saura, M. Šerić, M.E. Ruiz-Molina and G. Berenguer-Contrí
Store equity and behavioral intentions: the moderating role of the retailer’s technology, Journal of Product & Brand Management, n°25, (2017), I. Gil-Saura, M.E. Ruiz Molina and G. Berenguer-Contri
Can advanced technology affect customer-based brand equity in service firms? An empirical study in upscale hotels, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, n°26, (2016), M. Šeric, I. Gil-Saura and A. Mollá-Descals
Insights on integrated marketing communications: implementation and impact in hotel companies, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, n°27, (2015), M. Šeric, I. Gil-Saura and Đ. Ozretić-Došen
Value antecedents in relationship between tourism companies, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, (2013), B. Moliner, M. Fuentes and I. Gil
The value of volunteering in special events: a longitudinal study, Annals of Tourism Research, n°40, (2013), G. Gallarza, F. Arteaga and I. Gil-Saura
The use of ICT in established and emerging tourist destinations: A comparative analysis in hotels, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, (2013), M.E. Ruiz-Molina, I. Gil-Saura and M. Šerić
Relationship and market conditions: Outcomes in marketing channels, Journal Business-to-Business Marketing, n°19, (2012), M.E. Ruiz-Molina and I. Gil-Saura
Loyalty in High-Quality Hotels of Croatia: From Marketing Initiatives to Customer Brand Loyalty Creation, Journal of Relationship Marketing, (2012), M. Šerić, I. Gil-Saura and A. Mollá-Descals
Relational benefits, value and satisfaction in the relationships between service companies, Journal of Relationship Marketing, (2012), M.E. Ruiz-Molina, I. Gil-Saura and B. Moliner-Velázquez
Retail brand equity: A model based on its dimensions and effects, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, (2012), I. Gil-Saura, A. Corraliza-Zapata, M.E. Ruiz-Molina and G. Michel
ICT, IMC, and Brand Equity in high-quality hotels of Dalmatia: an analysis from guest perceptions, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, n°21, (2012), M. Šerić and I. Gil-Saura
The value of value: further excursions on the role of customer, Journal of Consumer Behavior, n°10, (2011), G. Gallarza, I. Gil-Saura and M. Holbrook
Does technology make a difference? Evidence from Spanish hotels, Service Business, An International Journal, n°5, (2011), M.E. Ruiz-Molina, I. Gil-Saura and B. Moliner-Velázquez
Logistics service quality and buyer-customer relationships: The moderating role of technology in B2B and B2C, The Service Industries Journal, n°31, (2011), I. Gil-Saura and E. Ruiz-Molina
Conceptualizing and measuring loyalty: towards a conceptual model of tourist loyalty antecedents, Journal of Vacation Marketing, n°17, (2011), B. Moliner-Velázquez, I. Gil-Saura and M.E. Ruiz-Molina
Value, supplier dependence and long-term orientation, Industrial Management & Data System, n°111, (2011), M.E. Ruiz-Molina, I. Gil-Saura and F. Arteaga-Moreno
Analysis and consequences of logistics value, A proposed model applied to the Spanish market, Industrial Marketing Management, n°39, (2010), I. Gil-Saura, D. Servera and M. Fuentes
Causes for complaining behaviour intentions: the moderator effect of previous customer experience of the restaurant, Journal of Services Marketing, n°24, (2010), B. Moliner-Velázquez, M. Fuentes-Blasco, I. Gil-Saura, and G. Berenguer-Contrí
The role of information technology in relationships between travel agencies and their suppliers, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, n°1, (2010), M.E. Ruiz-Molina, I. Gil-Saura and B. Moliner-Velázquez
Measuring the antecedents of e-loyalty and the effect of switching costs on website, The Service Industries Journal, n°30, (2010), M. Fuentes, I. Gil-Saura, G. Berenguer and B. Moliner-Velázquez
Logistics Service Quality: A New Way to Loyalty, Industrial Management & Data Systems Journal, n°108, (2008), I. Gil-Saura, D. Servera, G. Berenguer, G. and M. Fuentes
Do upscale restaurant owners use wine lists as a differentiation strategy?, International Journal of Hospitality Management, n°28, (2009)G. Berenguer, I. Gil-Saura and M.E. Ruiz-Molina
Cognitive and Affective Causes of Consumer Dissatisfaction with the Hospitality Encounter, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, n°18, (2009), B. Moliner-Velázquez, M. Fuentes, G. Berenguer and I. Gil-Saura
Customer Segmentation based on Commitment and ICT Use, Industrial Management & Data Systems, n°109, (2009), I. Gil-Saura and M.E. Ruiz-Molina
Information and Communication Technology in retailing: A cross-industry comparison, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, n°16, (2009), I. Gil-Saura, G. Berenguer-Contrí and M.E. Ruiz-Molina
The Value of B2B Relationships, Industrial Management & Data Systems, n°109, (2009), I. Gil-Saura, M. Frasquet and A. Cervera
Retail customer segmentation based on relational benefits, Journal of Relationship Marketing, n°8, (2009), I. Gil-Saura and M.E. Ruiz-Molina
Relational benefits and loyalty in retailing: an inter-sector comparison, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, n°37, (2009), M.E. Ruiz-Molina, I. Gil-Saura and G. Berenguer
The impact of IT and customer orientation on building trust and commitment in the supply chain, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, n°18, (2008), A. Cervera and I. Gil-Saura
The roles of service encounters, service value, and job satisfaction in achieving customer satisfaction in business relationships, Industrial Marketing Management, n°37, (2008), I. Gil-Saura, G. Berenguer and A. Cervera
Logistic service quality and technology: A comparison between supplier-retailer and retailer-consumer relationships, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, n°18, (2008), I. Gil-Saura, M.E. Ruiz-Molina and D. Servera
Value dimensions, perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty: an investigation of university students’ travel behaviour, Tourism Management, n°27, (2006), M. Gallarza and I. Gil-Saura
Antecedents to complaint behavior in the context of restaurant goers, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, n° 16, (2006), B. Moliner, G. Berenguer, I. Gil-Saura and M. Fuentes
Relationships among customer orientation, service orientation and job satisfaction in financial services, International Journal of Service Industry Management, n°16, (2005), I. Gil-Saura, G. Berenguer, A. Cervera and B. Moliner
Destination Image: Towards a conceptual framework, Annals of Tourism Research, n°29, (2002), M. Gallarza, I. Gil-Saura and H. Calderón
Chapitres d’ouvrages
Customer value in tourism services: meaning and role for a relationship-marketing approach, in Strategic Marketing in Tourism Services, 2012, R.H. Tsiotsou, R. Goldsmith, M. Gallarza, I. Gil-Saura and M. Holbrook
Information and communication technologies in tourism: a comparison for travel agents, hotels and restaurants, in Strategic Marketing in Tourism Services, 2012, R.H. Tsiotsou, R. Goldsmith, I. Gil-Saura, M.E. Ruiz-Molina and G. Berenguer
Environmentally Friendly Technologies in Hotels: Facilitators and Inhibitors from the Governance Versus Hotels’ Point of View, in Climate Change Governance, 2012, W. Leal, I. Gil-Saura, M.E. Ruiz-Molina and G. Berenguer-
Manufacturers and retailers: a relational analysis, in European Retail Research, (Gabler, Springerlink), 2012, A. Ruiz-Martinez and I. Gil-Saura, I. (2012).
Customer Relations and Loyalty-Based Segmentation: A B2B Approach in the Tourism Industry, in Customer Relations, (Farkas, Nova Publishers), 2011, I. Gil-Saura, M.E. Ruiz-Molina, B. Moliner-Velázquez and J. Victoria
Heterogeneity Analysis in the University Context: A Proposal Based on Service Quality Perceptions, in Cases on Innovations in Educational Marketing: Transnational and Technological Strategies, (IGI Global), 2011, M. Siran, T. Purnendu, M. Fuentes-Blasco, I. Gil-Saura and B. Moliner-Velázquez
Information and Communication Technologies in marketing channels: Product considerations, in Advanced Technologies Management for Retailing: Frameworks and Cases, (IGI Global Development), 2011, E. Pantano, H. Timmermans, I. Gil-Saura, M. Frasquet-Deltoro and M.E. Ruiz-Molina
A new Multiblock PLS based method to estimate causal models: application to the postconsumption behaviour in tourism, in Handbook of Partial Least Squares, Concepts, Methods and Applications in Marketing and Related Fields, (Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg ), 2010, V. Esposito-Vinzi, W.W. Chin, J. Henseler, H. Wang, F. Arteaga, M.G. Gallarza and I. Gil-Saura
La modernisation rapide du commerce en Espagne et le rôle de la réglementation, dans Réglementation et Commerce en Europe, les effets de la réglementation sur les stratégies et les performances des entreprises, (Vuibert Paris), 2008, E. Colla, M. Frasquet, I. Gil-Saura I. et A. Mollá