Coordonné par Géraldine Michel
Dunod, 2013
Coordonné par Géraldine Michel
Dunod, 2013
Ce livre collectif propose une nouvelle vision de la marque, plus globale, plus intégrée, plus transversale. Pédagogique, il clarifie les concepts en présentant des outils pragmatiques. La marque est aujourd’hui bien plus qu’un outil commercial : elle fédère les acteurs de l’entreprise autour d’u...
Carlos Torelli
Palgrave, 2013
With globalization, the marketplace is becoming increasingly complex for marketers to navigate. During this new century, globalization has brought dramatic changes to both the supply (i.e., brands that are offered) and demand (i.e., consumers’ values and desires) sides of markets. A prolife...
Chris Boudreaux et Susan Emerick
Prentice Hall, 2013
Comment transformer les équipes, responsabiliser les employés, Intégrer les partenaires et mobiliser les clients pour battre la concurrence Présentation Les entreprises pionnières ont démontré qu’une main d’œuvre plus sociale pouvait considérablement développer la notoriété de la marq...
Susan Fournier, Michael Breazeale and Marc Fetscherin
Routledge, 2012
The creation and management of customer relationships is fundamental to the practice of marketing. Marketers have long maintained a keen interest in relationships: what they are, why they are formed, what effects they have on consumers and the marketplace, how they can be measured and when and ho...
Ian Buckingham
Palgrave, 2011
A case-study based guide which showcases the individuals within organizations who nurture and sustain brands and bring them to life through their everyday performance. Critical enough to remain credible yet overwhelmingly positive, it is a charismatic illustration of how to achieve true brand eng...