Persona-fied brands: managing branded persons through persona
Journal of Marketing Management (2015)
Auteurs : Delphine Dion et Eric Arnould
We investigate how the concept of persona can be used in mana- ging brand persona-fication. Based on interviews with informants working across the gastronomy sector, we examine the character- istics of the chef persona, and the role that chef persona plays in restaurant management. We differentiate persona-fied brands from other human brands, we dimensionalise the chef persona, and we identify two possible models of brand management through persona: (1) the distributed or fragmented persona-fica- tion of the brand, which is based on a disjunction of different facets of the brand persona, each embodied in different persons; and (2) the unified persona-fication of the brand, which is based on the conjunction of the different facets of the brand persona. Here, the persona is embodied in a single person who embodies the different facets of the brand persona. Our analysis surfaces theoretical resonance with the performative turn in marketing scholarship.