How descriptive are the following adjectives of the brand [brand name] :
- Fair, compassionate, human, caring
Grohmann B., Bodur H. O. (2015), Brand Social Responsibility: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Outcomes, Journal of Business Ethics ,131 (2): 375‑99
- This brand ensures that local people benefit from its contributions.
- This brand sponsors and finances voluntary service.
- This brand integrates charitable contributions into its business activities.
- This brand help solve the social problems.
- This brand regularly makes donations to charity.
- This brand is actively involved in the community.
- This brand is committed to ethics principles
Bigné E., Currás‐Pérez R., Aldás‐Manzano J. (2012), Dual Nature of Cause‐brand Fit: Influence on Corporate Social Responsibility Consumer Perception, European Journal of Marketing, 46 (3/4): 575‑94.