Claude Pecheux is a Professor at the University of Lille. Specializing in consumer behavior and consumer-child research, she is the author of several articles in journals such as the Journal of Advertising Research, the Journal of Economic Psychology, Marketing Research and Applications, Advances in Consumer Research. She also participated in collective works in the field of persuasion and / or kids marketing. Interested in non-market issues, she studies how marketing can be used for social purposes among young audiences.
Research Fields
- Consumer Behavior
- Consumer-Child Study
How Does It Affect Adults’ Ethical Acceptance of Anti-obesity Threat Appeals to Children? When the Going Gets Tough, the Gets Going Audience, Journal of Business Ethics, 2013, (CHARRY K., DE PELSMACKER P, and PECHEUX C.).
Children and Healthy Eating: A Study of the Effectiveness of the Use of Advertising Threats, Marketing Research and Applications, 2011, 26, 2, 3-28 (Pécheux C. et Charry K.)
Co-branding in Advertising: The Issue of Category, Latin-America Advances for Consumer Research, Claudia R. Acevedo and Jose Mauro C. Hernandez and Tina M. Lowrey (eds.) , 2010, 2, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 133-134 (Pecheux C., Geuens M., Vermier I. and Faseur T.)
Decision Making in Groups of Friends: An Exploratory Study, Research and Applications in Marketing, 2007, Vol 22, No.2, 1-21 (DECROP, A., PECHEUX, C. and BAUVIN, G.)
European Advances for Consumer Research, in K. Ekstrom and H. Brembeck (eds.), 2005, Vol 7, Goteborg, Sweden: Association for Consumer Research, 444-453 (PECHEUX, C., DERBAIX, C. and PONCIN, I.)
Presence of peers in an advertisement: the case of children aged 8 to 12, Research and Applications in Marketing, 2005, vol 20, n ° 4, 3-27 (DERBAIX, C., PECHEUX , C. and GYSSELS, C.)
Let’s make a trip together: an exploration into decision-making within groups of friends, Advances in Consumer Research, Kahn, B. and Luce, M-F. (eds.), 2004, vol 31, 291-297 (DECROP, A., PECHEUX, C. and BAUVIN, G.)
Journal of Advertising Research, 2003, vol 43, 390-399 (DERBAIX, C. and PECHEUX, C.)
Lessons learned: new methods for research with children, Advances in Consumer Research, in Broniarczyk, S.M. and Nakamoto, K. (eds.), 2002, vol 29, 529-530 (PECHEUX, C.)
Children’s reactions to advertising communication: multiple methods, moderating variables and construct validity issues, Advances in Consumer Research, Broniarczyk, SM and Nakamoto, K. (eds.), 2002, vol 29, 531-538 (PECHEUX, C. and DERBAIX, C.)
The child’s attitude towards a new brand: the need for a fixation phase?, Research and Applications in Marketing, 2002, vol 17, n ° 3, 63-79 (PECHEUX , C. and DERBAIX, C.). Selected in the International Abstracts of Research in Marketing (International Journal of Marketing Research, 2003) “Important contributions to the literature that have been originally published in English”.
Journal of Advertising Research, 1999, vol 39, n ° 4, 19-27 (PECHEUX, C. and DERBAIX, C.)
Mood and children: proposal of a measurement scale, Journal of Economic Psychology, 1999, vol 20, n ° 5, 571-591 (DERBAIX, C. and PECHEUX, C.)
The child and the attitude towards the advertisement: implementation of the construct and conceptual precisions, Research and Applications in Marketing, 1999, vol 14, n ° 3, 23-39 (DERBAIX, C., BLONDEAU, S. and PECHEUX, C.)
Involvement and the child: proposing a scale of measurement, Research and Applications in Marketing, 1997, vol 12, n ° 1, 47-70 (DERBAIX, C. and PECHEUX, C .)